Illinois Numismatic Association (ILNA)

Promoting Numismatics in Illinois Since 1959

Illinois Coin Clubs

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Central Illinois Numismatic Association (CLM-008)

Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7pm (excludes April, August and December)
Location: Knights of Columbus Hall, North Council #4175; 2801 West St. Springfield, IL
Contact: Steve Butler 217-528-7634

Champaign-Urbana Coin and Currency Club (CLM-007)

Meetings: Second Monday of each month at 7:30PM
Location: Philo Road Church of Christ at 2601 Philo Rd. Urbana, IL
Contact: Clyde Sweet 217-840-2526 or
P.O. Box 932 Mahomet, IL 61853

Chicago Coin Club (CLM-132)

Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month Jan-Nov 6:45pm
Location: Chicago Bar Association Building; 321 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago IL 60604
Contact: Chicago Coin Club 773-236-0237
Email Secretary
Email Treasurer Address: P.O. Box 2301, Chicago, IL 60690

Corn Belt Coin Club (CLM-154)

Meetings: Second Tuesday of each month 7 PM
Location: Bank of Illinois; 200 W. College Ave. Normal, IL
Contact: Jeff Stover 309-532-3205

Dixon Coin Club (C-2569)

Meetings: First Tuesday each month 7pm (Grading 5:30 PM, Auction/Meeting 7pm)
Location: American Legion Post #12
1120 W. 1st St., Dixon, IL 61021
Contact: Jerry Bartlett 815-535-8427

Dupo Coin Club (CLM-002)

Meetings: Third Monday of each month 7pm
Location: Sugar Loaf Township Office; 240 S. 5th St. Dupo, IL 62239
Contact: James Addington 618-407-1994

Elgin Coin Club (CLM-1299)

Meetings: First Wednesday of the month 7pm
Location: Journey of Hope United Methodist Church, 37W040 W Highland Ave, Elgin, IL 60124
Contact: P.O. Box 561, South Elgin, IL 60177
Website: Email:

Fairfield Coin Club (CLM-210)

Meetings: Second Sunday each month 11am-3pm(except annual Oct show)
Location: Frontier College; 2 Frontier Dr (hwy 45-15 West) Fairfield, IL
Contact: Roberta Marshel 618-599-2393 email:
631 County Rd 870 E, Sims, IL 62886

Hillsboro Hiltop Coin Club(C-2032)

Meetings: Last Wednesday of each month 7:30pm (except July)
Location: Challacombe House; 509 School St. Hillsboro, IL
Contact: P.O. Box 22, Gillespie, IL 62033 or email:

Hillside Coin Club (C-2718)

Meetings: First Monday of each month 7pm
Location: Hillside Community Center; 1 Lind St. Hillside, IL
Contact: Email

Indian Hill Coin Club(C-1724)

Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month 8pm
Location: Avon Township Hall, 433 E. Washington St., Round Lake Park, IL. 60073
Contact: Mike Hanninen; 2400 Horeb Ave. Zion, IL 60099

Lake County Coin Club (CLM-141)

Meetings: First Tuesday of each month 7pm
Location: Gurnee Police Dept.; 100 N. O’Plaine Rd., Gurnee, IL
Contact: email:

Mattoon Coin Club (CLM-337)

Meetings: First Tuesday of each month 7:30pm
Location: Denny's; 224 Richmond Ave. East, Mattoon, IL
Contact: Michael Doran 217-663-0276 or email:
Mattoon Coin Club, PO Box 143, Mattoon, IL 61938-0143

McHenry County Coin Club (C-2880)

Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month at 7pm
Location: Nunda Township Hall
3510 Bay Rd Crystal Lake, IL 60012
Contact: Donald Dool, 815-477-0911

Metro East Coin & Currency Club

Meetings: Third Tuesday of each month at 7pm (except June, July, August)
Location: American Legion Post 365 1022 Vandalia Ave. Collinsville, IL 62234
or visit

Mid-State Coin and Antique Club

Meetings: Second Monday of each month at 5:00pm
Location: John Warner Public Library, 310 N. Quincy in Clinton, IL
Contact: Hugh Nodine 217-622-8783 or email:

Oak Forest Numismatic Society (CLM-1673)

Meetings: Second Friday of each month 7:30pm
Location: Trinity Lutheran Church Trinity Room 6850 W 159th Street, Tinley Park IL 60477
Contact: Bill Birk 815-464-8569

Quad-City Coin Club(CLM-774)

Meetings: Third Thursday of each month 6:30pm
Location: Calvary Lutheran Church; 2900 Ave of the Cities, Moline, IL

Railsplitter Coin Club (CLM-2879)

Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of each month 7pm
Location: American Legion Post 263 1740 5th Street, Lincoln, IL
Contact: Butch Bidwell 125 6th St Lincoln, IL 62656 Phone# 217-732-3464

Rockford Area Coin Club

Meetings: Third Thursday of each month 6:30pm
Location: Harlem Methodist Church, 8401 N. Alpine Rd., Machesney Park, IL. 61115
Contact: Chris Huttner 815-601-9944 email:
Annual Show: IBEW Banquet Facility Local 364
6820 Mill, Rockford, IL
September 24 2023 - 9:00 am 3:00 pm . 75 tables @ $65.00 each
Show Chair: Chris Huttner 815-601-9944 email:

Tazewell Numismatic Society

Meetings: First Thursday of each month 7pm
Location: First United Methodist Church(by hospital);1315 Court St. Pekin, IL
Contact: Steve Rassi Phone: 309-263-0739 or 18 Diamond Point, Morton, IL 61550

Will County Coin Club

Meetings: First Thursday of the month at 7 pm.
Location: Plainfield Administrative Building 23748 W. 135th St., Plainfield, IL.
Enter through the side door of the parking lot
Contact: Mark W.; Phone: 815-814-3038

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Chicago Coin Company
Kedzie Koins
Quad City Coins
To become a sponsor of the ILNA web site or Annual Show, contact John Kent
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